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August 30, 2015

August Super Hero Assembly

These kids worked SUPER hard to get ready for the first
of the year!

Their teachers thought they did a
WONDERful job!

The whole third grade teaching time was just
at how the entire third grade taught the rest of the school about the 
7 Habits of Happy Kids.

Mrs. Kim, our SUPER principal, started us off by introducing what we would be doing.

Mrs. Belinda, from Third Grade to the Edge, was our fearless leader.

We taught the school the motions to help them remember the 7 Habits of Happy Kids.

Different students took parts in briefly explaining each of the 7 Habits.

We sang songs that told everyone
We Feel Great!

We sang how we would
All Work Together

We also told everyone how we know we are 
Super Kids!

Your teachers are SO proud of you!
You are going to be
leaders this year!

STUDENTS:  What did you learn from being part of the assembly?  What was your favorite part?  Why?


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  3. I learned to be proactive at the assembly. My favorite part was when we sang Look at me because it had summer things in it.That is what I liked about the Super Hero Assembly. La'Tariyahna

    1. La'Tariyahna,
      Thank you for being so specific with reasons for why you liked learning about being proactive. That is a wonderful habit to have.

      Thank you for telling her you agreed with her, but please tell her why you agreed with her. I appreciate the way you are using the blog!

  4. My favorite part of the assembly was everything. It was too fun!
    Kaylee Mosier

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the whole assembly! It was a lot of fun, wasn't it?

  5. I felt like I was a superhero. Lilly Allen

    1. Lilly,
      I love that you felt that way at the assembly! We wanted you to feel like you were a fantastic super hero. What specifically made you feel that way though? Please remember to be specific!

      What did you do to make you feel like a super hero? Please work on being specific when you respond to our friends.

  6. My favorit was we all work together because I got to be in it.From; Ben Hazelwood

    1. I figured your favorite part might be that! You were amazing! Thank you for stepping up and being a leader during that part! I appreciate you!

  7. I learned that we ROCKED and that we should all work together as a team. My favorite part was dancing We Rock because it was so fun.
    by keara

    1. I am so proud of my rock star named Keara! For someone who didn't even want to be in the front, you did a superb job of being our leader during that song! You did ROCK!

  8. I like the sing and dancing. I love sing and dancing. from kalvin

  9. Kalvin,
    You did a wonderful job leading us in your song! I am so proud of you for choosing to lead! Keep up the great work!
