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June 25, 2015

TPT Seller's Challenge: Dare to Dream

I will be honest.
I was a bit shocked at this assignment.
I guess one reason is my TPT store isn't huge, 
and I haven't really thought about all I could do with it.
Sure, I have seen what others have done with their TPT store, 
but there was no way I could do the same thing.
When I first began my TPT store, I was just doing it to support my TPT habit!
However, after reading several others dreams, I realize I am selling myself short.
Don't I preach
to my kids?

Why am I not doing the same thing?

So thank you, Jen, Emily, Amber, and Ashley for encouraging me to think big and dare to dream. 

1.  PAY OFF OUR HOUSE - This is pretty much says it all.  If I can put extras toward the house payment, later on we can be free to do other things for our home and the family.

2.  TRAVEL WITH OUR KIDS - We love a road trip.  We have been pretty tied down lately due to other things that have popped up in our lives, but I would love to take the money I make from TPT to help our family see the great country we live in and experience it for themselves.

3.  HELP WITH MISSION WORK - We are first and foremost Christians as we strive daily to live for Him.  We have so many we know and love who are out trying to reach others with the gospel message.  Our kids have also mentioned how they want to go on mission trips - especially to Haiti and New Zealand.  With the money from TPT, we could help fund these efforts.

4.  SAVE FOR KIDS' COLLEGE - My husband and I were both extremely blessed to have NO college loans when we graduated from college.  This is not something many can say, and we are so thankful for the sacrifices our parents made in order to see that happen.

Are those big dreams?
However, if I don't dream big and don't start somewhere, nothing will ever happen.
I am really looking forward to where this may take me.
I know it will be a lot of work, but I am willing and eager to do the work!


  1. Great dreams!! I like how you talked about how we tell our kids to dream big, but we often sell ourselves short! So true!

  2. Awesome dreams! I want to be able to travel with my family too.

  3. Traveling seems to be a common thread among us dreaming teachers - I want to travel too!!
    Munchkins Inc.
